
Your guide to living better - chapter one

Let's be honest: long-term, sustainable lifestyle change requires commitment, mental and physical work. There is no such thing as a quick fix. But don't worry. It can be done and it is so worth it! Here is a list of things that will guide you in your quest of making life better.  

You have to get rain before you can see a rainbow.
Photo by Rikke Wend Hartung, 2014

#1: Prioritise and do more of what makes you happy

Time is a finite resource and you simply can’t do everything. Something's gotta give and you need to focus on the things that are most important to you, good for you and make you happy. Sometimes you have to say no to something you would like to do in order to get time to do something you would like to do even more - including doing nothing at all. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a problem for many people and it can get in the way of your happiness. 

#2: Get your sleep

I don't care how busy you are, you need to get your sleep. How much we need is different from person to person but most people need 7-8 hours per night. Not in average but *per night*! When you have gotten a good night's sleep everything becomes a little easier, you have more energy and you're mentally and physically sharp. I'm sure you know this already from the nights where you actually do get all the sleep you need. Sleep is also an amazing way to reduce stress. 

#3: Take responsibility for your well-being

It's your body and your health. Nobody else knows your body the way you do and it is up to you to ensure it functions optimally and that you are happy and satisfied. Not only for the sake of everyone who cares about you and are dependent on you, but also for yourself. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend. Be kind and be responsible. 

#4: Empower yourself with knowledge

Study the subject of living better the same way you study other important things. You don't necessarily have to totally geek out like me, but there are some minimum requirements as to what you need to know to get the results that you want. Commit yourself to acquiring this basic knowledge. I promise you that the time you spend on this will be paid back to you a thousandfold. You can always learn a little more and become a little better at living optimally. 

In coming blogposts I'll expand further on each of the four challenges. Until then: take care of yourself, be kind and be happy - and let me know if you have any questions. 

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