About this blog

Now: Me on top of the world a year after 
I started my transition. It's been a great 
journey and it just keeps getting better.
Hi. Thank you for visiting my blog. If you are reading this there is a good chance you are interested in optimising your health. If you have just decided to change your life style I salute you. I hope that we can help each other obtain long term health and happiness. Perhaps not the easiest goal, but definitely one worth aiming for!

Here's a very short version of my story, just so you know a bit about where I am coming from, where I am going and why I've created this blog.

I was an average child and teenager, size medium, not overweight nor skinny. I did play different sports but I don’t think any of my friends would exactly describe me as an athlete. They would most likely say ‘bookworm’ and ‘geek’ and they'd be right. I grew up in the Danish countryside in a family with a kitchen garden and a chicken run. We cooked our own food (including the chickens) so my brother and I learned the basics of cooking along with a respect for nature and love for whole foods. This stayed with me after I moved away from home but I also happily embraced all the options that big city life offers.

Before: Me in March 2012 before I 
started my new life style.
Fast forward to my birthday, early Summer 2012. After a couple of years with big life changes, both positive and negative, I was on holiday trying to recharge and shake a lung infection that just wouldn't go away. It was actually so bad that I couldn't even walk up three flights of stairs. Suffering from asthma I was afraid of irreparable damage to my lungs and other issues bothered me as well: loss of strength, balance and flexibility (the little I had!), feeling exhausted all the time and then there was the extra weight that had steadily accumulated since my mid-twenties. I had a serious conversation with myself and decided to redefine 'the good life' in order to obtain long-term health and happiness. Big words, I know, but it *was* my birthday!

Here’s the result I achieved within the span of one year:
  • gone down 4 trouser sizes (roughly 3 stones/20 kilos). 
  • much more energy
  • asthma medication down to minimum, no attacks or symptoms
  • improved sleep
  • waking up pain free and well rested every morning
  • almost never headache or any other ache (other than the good, self-induced muscle pain!)
  • no more irritable bowels
  • glowing hair and skin
  • higher levels of self-respect and self-confidence
  • improved emotional resilience
Once you find something that works for you, losing body fat, reclaiming your health and feeling happier is actually possible. Every day I keep working on improving my health and becoming happier. On this blog I share what has been working for me in the hope that some of it can help you too. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help you. You can find the contact form on the right hand side under the index.

Because I know from myself how much of a difference the right choices can make and how much wrong information there is out there I have developed a passion for sharing knowledge and support to help others towards optimal health. So that each one of us can become the best we can be. Be inspired, be healthier and be happier!

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Contact your medical doctor before changing your diet, particularly if you are suffering from an existing condition. Bring some of the science along to discuss with him/her if necessary. Remember it's your health and your responsibility. 

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